In this blog I’m going to sell you a new medicine on the market that sends a signal to your brain to motivate you… and it also does your house cleaning!! Not really (I wish). There is no ‘magic’ pill that can motivate humans to get up and move their body, but there are some easy steps to follow that will give you that extra push to get your workout in, stretch a little more or just to eat a bit healthier.
Tip 1: Get up earlier.
“But I already wake up at 530am!”
Cool story. Get up at 5am and go for a 20 minute walk around the block. I know it’s easier said than done, especially in the winter months, but you will feel 100x better for doing so. To help make this even EASIER, follow tip #2.
Tip 2: Have your clothes pre-set out the night before.
That’s right, you’re going to become one of ‘those people’. A planner. Before you go to bed, set out your workout tights, sports bra, t-shirt, jumper, socks, runners, earphones etc. at the end of your bed (or in your imaginary walk-in closet that’s the size of a small townhouse #goals). Place everything out carefully, not forgetting anything that might deter you from actually going on that walk.
Hot tip: if you’re anything like me and STARVING when you wake up, have a banana or apple with your clothes in the morning and decided if you need it or not. You don’t always have to eat it, but at least it’s there and doesn’t give you an excuse not to go!
Tip 3: The five minute rule.
1. Morning walk
2. Breakfast
3. Foam roll/ stretch
Three things that almost everyone makes excuses for and I’m asking you to do them before you’ve even gone to work! Ha ha Amy, you’re funny.
Trust me, it will be the best change to your routine. If you take a look at what you currently do in the morning before work, do you have a spare 5 minutes? I’m going to say yes, unless you’re a crazy woman with 10 children and your hair is a birds nest that’s currently occupied. There is ALWAYS time to do things that you love, or to get you closer to your goals. Use these 5 minutes to stretch, plan your meals for the day, schedule in a workout or drink your tea you made 3 weeks ago and forgot about.
Tip 4: Try to get 7 hours of sleep a night and set your alarm accordingly.
Sleep is very important for physical and mental rejuvenation, and I am very firm when it comes to my bed time. You need to take control of your mind & body and the environment you choose to put it in, otherwise it will never change!
I know for some this all seems very far fetched. You’re a working mum who gets a total of 40 minutes sleep a night, is handling day care sicknesses and your boss thinks its ok for you to work overtime even though you already work most weekends. I get it, I have many clients in this situation but they have made a pact with themselves to Get. It. Done. No excuses! Of course I will always preach to listen to your body and rest when it’s needed, but most of the time your body is yearning to go outside for a 10 minute walk in the sunshine, to eat a piece of fruit or a for a quick shoulder stretch from sitting at your desk all day.
Make yourself a priority. Be prepared. Get it done.
PS. Move more, move better
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