Disclaimer: Before I get scolded for the title of this blog, I am not going to be putting down or discouraging to feminists or those who are on the fence.
A feminist is someone who supports feminism. Feminism is 'the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes' (merriam-webster). So what's the big deal? Why do we have so many women labelling themselves a feminist like it's something super special? Yeah, I like to support political, economic and social equality of the sexes too but I definitely do not call myself a feminist (because ain't no body got time to label).
There's a part of me who wants to be old school - live in the 1950's and drink milkshakes between swing dancing and cooking dinner (I know it wasn't always fun and games post war but you get what I'm saying). The man of the house would work while the woman stayed home with the children and baked cookies and cleaned all day. To me this sounds like the life - legit! But it doesn't mean I take for granted all of the opportunities I have today.
I love that I can travel when and where I want, work where I want, wear what I want and say what I want without being hanged #blessed. I also love the little gestures made when on a date with a man who has clearly grown up with his grandmother. Opens doors, pulls out chairs, and god forbid someone actually picks you up for a date instead of ordering an Uber *eye roll*. There is a fine line between enjoying the act of kindness and vulnerability and being completely controlled in a situation, and I think most of us living in 2018 understand the difference between the two, and it certainly doesn't deserve a 'I can do that myself' attitude.
You see, feminism today in my opinion has been taken so far that I think we are missing the point. Women have gone so far towards one extreme that men have actually become scared of them. You have a pair of tits, cool. Doesn't mean you need to show them off (so aggressively) in a protest against the tampon tax (totally against the tampon tax btw who the fuck thought it was a luxury? That's not sexist that's stupidity). You don't see men walking around with no underwear, swinging their hotdogs around while protesting against unequal paternity leave. Leave your body parts out of the protest because it's unfair the opposite sex can't show off their non-existent hotdogs and tits... please.
In conclusion, I am not a feminist but I am not against feminism. I have no issue with old school 'traditional' ways and definitely am not arguing against the life we live now as modern day women. I think a bit of perspective is missing in the world of how far we have come as the human race and are instead too busy concentrating on what was and what should be. Great things take time, look at Oprah. She's getting better by the day.
PS. Move more, move better
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