So you want to get fit, huh? I'm a realist, so I'm not going to beat around the bush. Getting fit is like marriage. It takes hard work, consistency and dedication to get the job done. In saying that, I disagree with anyone who says you need to be in the gym every single day lifting twice your body weight and running 10kms. Being 'fit' means something different to everyone, but I think we can all agree that Steph Claire Smith is body goals. Amen.
Here are some simple tips to get you moving and closer to your ultimate fit body!
Stand up every 30 mins
Simple, yet no one does it. Moving your body every 30-40 minutes can actually change the way your body looks and feels. No, you don't need to run 500 metres every half an hour, and no you don't need to eat a lettuce leaf - there is no trick to this. The act of standing up and shaking out the last 30 minutes of poor posture and sedentary behaviour allows your body to 'reset' itself. If you are moving often, there is no time for your body to conform into poor postures or to build extra tissues to support your joints, therefore resulting in a more ideal position for your body to build muscle by contracting and relaxing the correct muscle groups. #goals.
Time doesn't matter
Only have 10 minutes before you need to leave for work? Smash out a few simple body weight movements for 10 repetitions as many times as you can. Instead of scrolling your insta feed again or tagging your bestie in another meme, think about how that time could be spent building your fitness!
Make time or it won't happen
Ok, so this may contradict the title of my last tip, but it's still relevant! If you don't set aside a time block just 2-3 times per week specifically for exercise or moving your body, then you won't be reaching your fit goals any time soon. Apart from incidental exercise (climbing stairs, walking to the bus stop) it's most likely that you won't be getting your heart rate up too much throughout the rest of the week. Setting aside just 30 minutes to go for a power walk, run, yoga session or a HIIT circuit at home is the KEY to smashing your fit goals. 1.5 hours a week is nothing... how much time do you currently set aside for your fit goals?
Make a habit
Do you work in an office? Or a hospital? Or retail store? Or factory? It's actually irrelevant where you work, because in most jobs there is repetition - checking emails, answering phone calls, listening to the same soundtracks on repeat (throwback to my old retail job... Christmas was a nightmare). You can pick any of these things, or choose from your own list and use it as a cue to get your fit goals in. For example: every time you reply to an email, perform 10 squats. This might be for a receptionist or customer service employee where it is apart of their daily routine to do this. Once you associate fitness with something that is already in your day-to-day life, smashing your fit goals becomes EASY!
My favourite tip - listening to music that PUMPS YOU UP! For me, that is listening to old school Usher, Akon, Ja Rule and AC/DC (yep, that took a turn didn't it?). Music is something that has been apart of my life forever, and it has always had a purpose. Using this as a tool to motivate, push or inspire you is a great (and fun!) way to reach your goals.
What are you waiting for? Schedule in your workouts NOW! (And do 10 squats).
PS. Move more, move better
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