HOLIDAYS! The time of the year where you eat, drink and do absolutely nothing in order to rejuvenate and refresh your body and mind. Or does it?
Fitness holidays are really popular these days in island locations such as Bali and Hawaii, but who do you see going on them? Not the regular 9-5er's, or the family with three kids that's for sure! But if you're working hard throughout the year and you've hit fitness goals you never thought you could or if you've just started your health journey, the last thing you want is a set back after a holiday. So, I'm going to give you my top tips on how to stay on track in your health & fitness journey while soaking up that sun or relaxing by the lake.
1. Make walking a priority
If you aren't crazy enough to holiday near a gym (and actually go to it), the number one thing to do is to get your steps up. Walking is a form of LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio, and is considered a great way for a healthy heart and happy mind. Taking the long way to get coffee, collecting firewood or choosing the stairs over the escalator are all things that can add up to your daily steps leaving you feel relaxed and anti-slob!
2. Set aside 20 minutes
Twenty minutes is all you need to stretch, meditate, practice yoga, go for a run or smash out a circuit in your room. Whichever you choose to do, if you set aside a time each day to complete it, it will get done. Moving your body & mind in any way is good for the soul and will be sure to keep you on track.
3. Hydrate
Hydration is a big one especially while you're not in your daily routine of things. While on holiday it's easy to forget to pack a drink bottle or to start your day with a glass of water, because you are in a different environment, different sleep routine and most likely not getting your daily 'drink water!' post-it notes from your health conscious boss. Hydration has many benefits such as decreasing overeating or boredom eating, making you feel energised and to help maintain elasticity in muscle fibres.
4. Listen to your body
You're on holiday and your body is most likely needing a break from the hustle and bustle of every day life. If you feel like a week laying on the beach, then do it. Your body has it's own ways of telling you what it needs whether that be rest, movement, food or water. Listen and you will know exactly how to treat it!
Four tips to sustain your health & fitness journey whilst on holidays... tick! Give these a go on your next holiday and feel the difference.
PS. Move more, move better
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