Have you ever thought about what you really want in life? I'm talking about completely honest, true feelings towards what you want and not some bullshit that your high school teacher once said you should do. Learning to listen to your body and mind is absolutely a gift that keeps giving and I encourage you all to start today.
I have always been quite adamant in what I want out of life and how I am going to get it. To help, both physical and mental goals have been apart of my daily routine since I can remember. If you have read previous blogs of mine you would know how much I love lists. Goals and dreams were the first lists I ever wrote & I can even remember the diary I wrote them in. This list has obviously changed since I was much younger, but the concept around them hasn't. The concept of these lists are to remind myself where I am going and how I am going to get there, and is very much a mental picture of how I think my life will be in 6, 12, 18 months or longer. In saying this, I definitely do not think that just because you plan your life one way that's how it will happen - thinking like that is ignorant to the other possible factors that may influence your life. I have learnt this through personal experience - when our expectations don't meet reality (it sucks at the time, but life goes on).
These days I have separated my goals & dreams into short term and long term career goals, travel goals, fitness goals and relationship goals. Short term this might be what money I want to make, which countries to visit, what weight to lift and how healthy and positive I want my relationships to be. In the long term I'm thinking about where I would like to live, how active I would like to be and perhaps having a family to share it all with. Obviously there are many sub-categories for each of these topics, but you get the idea.
Of course we all have those bigger dreams we would one day like to live, and many of us think that's all they are - dreams. But if there is one thing I have learnt in the past 2 years it's that absolutely ANYTHING is possible. ANYTHING! This means you can work towards that car or penthouse (Vegas will be mine one day), but it also means you could die tomorrow. I'm not meaning to be morbid, but it's true. Life is way too short to aim small because the big goals are where our hearts are at, and once we get there the feeling is like no other.
So, if there is anything you take from reading this it would be to learn to listen to your mind & body. Sit down in a quiet space and start writing what you want no matter how silly or big you think it is! If you want it there is no reason for you not to have it (just don't go robbing any banks or hurting people for it - that's not cool).
Travel & work - check!
Be happy - check!
Vegas penthouse - coming soon...!
PS. Move more, move better
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