Ok I'm biased. But I can assure you that I have good reason to be!
The great debate of millennials has never quite reached it's peak, and if I'm honest I'm not sure why. Leggings are the new jeans, cargo pants and prison jumpsuit #leggingsarethenewblack.
I am definitely no #fashunguru but I do know a thing or two about leggings. I know they can be worn with a variety of tops, dresses, coats and crops (and underwear is optional). You don't have to be a model to wear them, and you don't need to go up or down a size every time winter comes around because you've enjoyed a little too much wine and cheese on a Friday night because leggings are stretchy and fulfil the soul.
(Can you tell I love leggings?)
To put it to rest, I have devised a few simple questions to see if leggings are for you:
Do you hate jeans?
Yes or Yes?
Do you hate feeling restricted in what you have for lunch because the last time that happened you broke your pant button?
Yes or Yes (reluctantly)?
Do you own at least five pairs of black leggings and have them on regular rotation?
Yes... #afterpay
If you answered 'yes' to any of these, then leggings are for you! Wear them to brunch, to the gym (I've heard they are popular there), out to dinner and to pick up the kids from school. Leggings are the perm of the 80's and we will definitely NOT regret this in the future.
Am I right?
PS. Move more, move better
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