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Discover Business: A Young Entrepreneur's Guide

I have always been a leader. The first hand up, the guinea pig, the teacher, independently minded, driven and the "it can't be too hard" attitude. If I want something, I will be sure to get it one way or the other. Now don't mistake this for being 'bratty' or spoilt. I'm talking about my young adult life, fending for myself and living my own life.

When I was freshly 21 years old, I made the move from my home town outside of Canberra, Australia to the big smoke down in the city of Melbourne (aka the best city in the world). In the months leading up to this, I had been working alongside my childhood friend, who happened to be a freelancing graphic designer, in the creation of my soon-to-be Melbourne based massage business. I had made the executive decision in mid-2016 (with the help of a fellow entrepreneurial friend) that I would not only be moving states and cities, but starting my own business. Can't be too hard, right? Well, yeah it actually wasn't. Here's how:

Boss bitch

Firstly, I had that leadership and drive already imbedded in me which was most likely from that youngest child syndrome of always wanting to be the boss.... so that's what I did. I became the boss. The boss of me and only me, which is exactly how I wanted it. I knew being my own boss would entail only working the hours I wanted to work, choosing what clientele I see and don't want to see, networking with the people only I wanted to work with and finally, the highly financially beneficial aspect of it all. It's that simple.

Eye on the prize

My sheer confidence and 'it can't be that hard' attitude got me to my business goal within 7 months of being in business. 7 months! None of this 'you won't get business return in the first 5 years' bullshit. Being a small business owner, in my opinion, is kind of hard not to make profit in your first year (unless you go all-out in products, space, advertisement and other dumb shit. Which is dumb so don't do that).

Making connections

I knew how to network and who to network with. I chose a very small amount of businesses that I reached out to and only a handful replied back with a yes... but nonetheless it got me to my goal and certainly didn't crush my pride, fuck that. By the end of my time as the owner operator of my first business, I was working alongside businesses all over Melbourne and had over 100 clients in my system whom of which some were very renown members of society (and very good contacts to have for life, mind you) - all because of my initial networking efforts and word of mouth thereafter. Still simple, right?

Networking had me teaching stretch classes, working with a VFLW team and local sports clubs.

Family & Friends

In saying all of this so far, I could not have done ANY of it without one thing - Support.

In my life I have a very select few people in my circle and all of whom are supportive, encouraging, loving and push me every single day to be the best version of myself no matter what. Having a supportive network around you is crucial to personal growth, and business growth in my opinion. The people I ended up networking with also turned out to be some sort of business mentors to me in this time, which added to my circle. We would have catch ups and talk about what's next, what should be a new target and what we can do to help each other (and our clients) more in our businesses. It worked because it was beneficial for both of us, which I think is the key when working alongside another business.

Friends & family who have supported me by giving me advice, being a #insta model and listening to my endless ideas and projects. Thank you!

What next?

So after smashing goals, meeting amazing new people and making connections that will last a lifetime, it was time for a new challenge. I have now left Melbourne, said goodbye to all of my beloved clients and new business connections in order to travel the world. Would I do it all again? Shit yeah. Sure, those first couple of months were a struggle but it only gave me more drive and passion to get the shit done that I wanted to get done. Like I said - if I want something, I will eventually get it.

My advice to you

Do it. Do it all. If you are thinking about starting a business, what's stopping you? You will never regret trying something even if you fail. If you do fail, good. It will only give you lessons on what not to do next time, it gives you a second chance. And if you only have one person in your circle, take their encouragement and love every single day and make it into something amazing.

Set a goal, enjoy the ride and take it one day at a time. #worksmarternotharder

PS. Move more, move better

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